Which Character are you?

Are you a person that wants to meet some of your favorite celebrities? Are you a celebrity that wants to meet your favorite fans? Are you a dealer or artist that wants to sell your products at one of the best comicons in the country?


Queen City Con is fortunate to have the best comic con fanbase in the world. Our fans provide suggestions on guests, help answer questions in the forum, and help provide an exceptional experience at the shows.

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We are always looking to book celebrities that are committed to their craft and their fans. The celebrities that we invite are pop culture icons, movie stars, musicians, and artists. Queen City Con is committed to creating an exceptional experience for our fans and we want celebrities that are dedicated to that as well.

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The dealer community of Queen City Con are dealers that want the best for the show, other dealers, and the guests that come to Queen City Con. We are committed to only having dealers that fit with the concept and the commitment of our show.

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Our artist dealers offer exceptional art to the guests at Queen City Con. We look for artists that are dedicated to their craft and the show.

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